Iron Range Partnership for Sustainability (IRPS)

The Iron Range Partnership for Sustainability (IRPS) is a grassroots organization and 501 (c)(3) non-profit corporation located in northeast Minnesota’s Iron Range. IRPS is dedicated to maintaining and improving the economic, environmental and social characteristics of our area so that our residents can continue to lead healthy, productive and enjoyable lives. Through events, initiatives and projects IRPS encourages our residents, businesses, organizations, schools, towns and cities to explore and find answers to the question – how can we meet the needs of present generations without compromising the abilities of future generations to meet their needs? Using an inclusive approach, we invite all the residents of the Iron Range and Northeastern Minnesota to join us in conversation about sustainability.


The Iron Range Partnership for Sustainability facilitates collaboration towards a sustainable and thriving Iron Range.

A Three Legged Stool

Think of sustainability like a three legged stool.  For a community to be sustainable, the three elements of community, economy and environment all need to exist in a healthy holistic relationship, or like a stool with one leg too long or too short that won’t stand up, our communities won’t be sustainable for those future generations.

Our Organizational Values

Promote Sustainability

Sustainability means meeting the needs of the present

without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

IRPS focuses its work on the interrelationship of three primary elements of sustainability:

community, economy, and environment.

Bring People and Communities Together

Communities thrive when people come together around the common good.

IRPS encourages inclusive collaboration, listening, dialogue and positive action.

Raise Awareness

Awareness of the social, economic, and environmental aspects of sustainability is a catalyst

for change. IRPS raises community awareness through communication, education, and

resource networking.

Focus Locally

The evolving cultural, racial, and ethnic diversity of the Iron Range is a source of

sustainability. IRPS welcomes diversity, celebrates traditions, and encourages local

innovation for equitable, thriving communities.

Engage Multiple Generations

Every generation has a stake in sustainability, with knowledge, experience, and skills to

share. IRPS encourages learning and partnering across multiple generations.

Foster Personal and Planetary Health

Communities thrive when they recognize the relationships between personal and planetary

health. IRPS collaborates in local initiatives that foster health holistically and support

environmental justice.